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 Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons

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4 participants
henry nemiriort
his master's voice
henry nemiriort

Nombre de messages : 3809
Date d'inscription : 05/07/2007

Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons Empty
MessageSujet: Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons   Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons Icon_minitimeMar 18 Sep - 13:08

Citation :
Pitchfork: There's always been considerable chatter about whether or not Metal Machine Music
was intended as a joke, or a stab at the record industry-- do you think
the continuing conjecture about your intentions for the record is, now,
as much a part of the art as the music?

Reed: The myth-- depends on how you look at it, but the myth is sort of
better than the truth. The myth is that I made it to get out of a
recording contract. OK, but the truth is that I wouldn't do that,
because I wouldn't want you to buy a record that I didn't really like,
that I was just trying to do a legal thing with. I wouldn't do
something like that. The truth is that I really, really, really loved

. I was in a position where I could have it come out. I just didn't
want it to come out and have the audience think it was more rock songs.
It was only on the market for three weeks anyway. Then they took it
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denis sigougou
wet dreamer
denis sigougou

Nombre de messages : 34235
Date d'inscription : 05/07/2007

Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons   Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons Icon_minitimeMar 18 Sep - 13:12

Citation :
Pitchfork: There's always been considerable chatter about whether or not Metal Machine Music
was intended as a joke, or a stab at the record industry-- do you think
the continuing conjecture about your intentions for the record is, now,
as much a part of the art as the music?

Reed: The myth-- depends on how you look at it, but the myth is sort of
better than the truth. The myth is that I made it to get out of a
recording contract. OK, but the truth is that I wouldn't do that,
because I wouldn't want you to buy a record that I didn't really like,
that I was just trying to do a legal thing with. I wouldn't do
something like that. The truth is that I really, really, really loved

. I was in a position where I could have it come out. I just didn't
want it to come out and have the audience think it was more rock songs.
It was only on the market for three weeks anyway. Then they took it

il réécrit l'histoire, c'est son droit
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salon privé

Nombre de messages : 3103
Date d'inscription : 05/07/2007

Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons   Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons Icon_minitimeMar 18 Sep - 13:14

[quote="denis quillard"]
petain a écrit:
Citation :
Pitchfork: There's always been considerable chatter about whether or not Metal Machine Music
was intended as a joke, or a stab at the record industry-- do you think
the continuing conjecture about your intentions for the record is, now,
as much a part of the art as the music?

Reed: The myth-- depends on how you look at it, but the myth is sort of
better than the truth. The myth is that I made it to get out of a
recording contract. OK, but the truth is that I wouldn't do that,
because I wouldn't want you to buy a record that I didn't really like,
that I was just trying to do a legal thing with. I wouldn't do
something like that. The truth is that I really, really, really loved

. I was in a position where I could have it come out. I just didn't
want it to come out and have the audience think it was more rock songs.
It was only on the market for three weeks anyway. Then they took it

il réécrit l'histoire, c'est son droit
c'est même son passe temps favori à cette vieille ganache
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connard hi-fi typique

Nombre de messages : 3631
Date d'inscription : 05/07/2007

Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons   Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons Icon_minitimeMar 18 Sep - 13:37

denis quillard a écrit:
petain a écrit:
Citation :
Pitchfork: There's always been considerable chatter about whether or not Metal Machine Music
was intended as a joke, or a stab at the record industry-- do you think
the continuing conjecture about your intentions for the record is, now,
as much a part of the art as the music?

Reed: The myth-- depends on how you look at it, but the myth is sort of
better than the truth. The myth is that I made it to get out of a
recording contract. OK, but the truth is that I wouldn't do that,
because I wouldn't want you to buy a record that I didn't really like,
that I was just trying to do a legal thing with. I wouldn't do
something like that. The truth is that I really, really, really loved

. I was in a position where I could have it come out. I just didn't
want it to come out and have the audience think it was more rock songs.
It was only on the market for three weeks anyway. Then they took it

il réécrit l'histoire, c'est son droit
c'est même son passe temps favori à cette vieille ganache

il a pas grand-chose d'autre à foutre pour ses vieux jours, vu le niveau de ses compos depuis 20 ans.
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Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons   Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons Icon_minitime

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Pan dans la gueule, tas de cons
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